How do I Explain Baby Teeth Falling Out to a Child?
Sit down with your child and explain that all children lose their baby teeth to make room for their adult teeth. Explain that adult teeth are much bigger and stronger than baby teeth and are made to last the rest of her life.
Read a fictional book or two to your child on the subject of children losing their baby teeth, such as "Little Rabbit's Loose Tooth" by Lucy Bate. When children listen or read a story about a fictional character with the same plight they have, it can reassure them.
Answer any questions your child may have about how it feels to lose a tooth. Tell him that the tooth will wiggle in its socket before coming loose and there might be a little blood. Reassure him not to worry.
Tell your child about the tooth fairy, if you like and carry out the ritual. Help your child place the tooth under her pillow for the fairy to retrieve while she's sleeping. Explain to your child that the fairy will leave her something in exchange for the tooth, such as a small amount of money or a gift. Or, carry out some other type of ritual such as placing the tooth in a "tooth box" and allowing the child to examine it whenever he wants.