How to Find a Denturist
Ask your dentist whether you are a candidate for dentures. There are several types of denture sets, and you may be ready for them before you think you are. Ask your dentist to recommend one or more denturists in your area.
Consult any health care plan you have for information on what denture coverage is offered. If you are unsure, call the provider for specifics.
Read the frequently asked questions (FAQ) page on the website for the American Dental Association ( Questions and answers address such concerns as, what do dentures feel like? what is an overdenture? what is the difference between conventional and immediate dentures?
Seek out opportunities for free dentures. Several websites, including;, and, offer opportunities for the right candidates to get free dentures and denture care.
Contact your local Rotary Club
Search message boards for dental wearers who comment about their denture care. Post questions seeking advice on finding dentures in your area, caring for dentures, and problems associated with wearing dentures.
Call the Better Business Bureau with names of denturists in telephone books or online, and solicit information on reviews or complaints about any of the professionals in your area.
Make an appointment with the denturist you choose. During that communication, ask what you need to bring to the first appointment. If any dental records are necessary, get them from your primary dentist