What Are the Health Benefits of Tongue Brushing?
Elimination of Bad Breath
Bad breath can be tough to contend with, and sometimes all of the mouthwashes and rinses in the world can't help. A simple remedy is brushing your tongue, which eliminates bacteria that can cause bad breath. The reason this works over brushing or washes is that brushing your tongue roots out the bacteria that embeds itself deep in your tongue tissue and taste buds, thriving in the moist, dark, wet environment of your mouth.
Tooth Decay Reduction
No matter how much you brush your teeth, you still may notice an inordinate amount of decay on your teeth. This decay may be the result of bacteria that travels to your pearly whites from your tongue, despite the best tooth brushing or rinsing. You can remedy this by tongue brushing. You can also stave off gingivitis and other gum-related diseases by reducing the amount of bacteria in your mouth from your tongue.
Decreased Oral Fungal Infections
Brushing your tongue may also reduce the condition known as brown hairy tongue. It can sometimes be the result of a fungal infection, or from drinking liquids like coffee or soda in excess. Brushing or scraping your tongue can help to remove these particles from the tongue area and get bacteria out of your mouth that may develop into a full-blown fungal infection.
Strep Throat Prevention
Another health benefit of scraping or brushing your tongue is the prevention of bacteria traveling from your mouth, and tongue area in particular, down your throat. This can cause strep throat and other cold-like symptoms in your throat area from the bacteria that came from your tongue. Brushing your tongue is particularly effective when used in conjunction with an anti-bacterial mouthwash product.