Projects on Dental Hygiene
Removing Plaque
Plaque buildup on teeth can lead to tooth decay or cavities. Use an apple to demonstrate how it is unsightly and unhealthy. Cut a hole into an apple about the size of a quarter. Observe the condition of the apple and then place it in a paper bag. Leave it in the bag overnight. The next day, remove the apple and cut it in half. Explain how the brown areas are equivalent to plaque, and that plaque releases acids that can rot the teeth.
Fluoride Benefits
Fluoride is invaluable in protecting teeth from acid erosion. To relay this fact, gather two hard-boiled eggs, some vinegar, three cups, and a fluoride solution (available at most pharmacies). Place one egg in a cup and cover it with fluoride. Let it sit for 5 minutes and remove. Place the same egg in a container filled with vinegar. Place the second, non-fluoridated, egg into a container also filled with vinegar. Observe how the egg that was treated with vinegar is not bubbling like the untreated egg. The fluoride protects the egg from the acid, just as it does for teeth.
Brushing Techniques
Brushing is the most basic measure for good dental hygiene. But to reap the most benefits, it must be done properly. Using a shoebox lid, draw a model of upper teeth on the shortest side. Cut in between each tooth with a pair of scissors. Hold a nylon toothbrush against the model at a 45 degree angle and move across in a circular motion. Explain that the same steps are repeated for lower teeth.
Using the same model to demonstrate brushing techniques, tear an 18 inch piece of floss and thread though the teeth. The most important step to explain is that the floss needs to be moved up and down between each tooth.