How to Get Rid of Things Stuck in My Teeth

Taking proper care of your teeth is an important part of maintaining your overall dental health. Leaving debris like food stuck in your teeth can cause bacteria to build up, which can lead to cavities and other serious dental issues. However, dental health is not the only reason to get rid of things stuck in your teeth. It is also likely uncomfortable and can be unsightly if seen by others.

Things You'll Need

  • Dental floss
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    • 1

      Excuse yourself from a dinner table or crowd of people if you think something might be stuck in your teeth. Do not try to pry it out with your fingernail or other object in front of people.

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      Inspect your teeth carefully in a mirror. Find the two teeth that the item is stuck between.

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      Tear off a piece of dental floss. To remove the object from between your teeth, you'll need approximately 20 cm of floss.

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      Wedge the dental floss gently between the teeth where the item is stuck. Scrape the floss against the side of each tooth and then pull it out. The object stuck between the two teeth should be dislodged as you remove the floss. For smaller items, this could take a few tries.

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