The Effects of Micro-Ionized Water on Dental Health
A number of benefits have been ascribed to micro-ionized water, although there is limited research establishing the true benefits. The properties of this type of water are not in question; ionized water is not as acidic as normal drinking water, and it is rich in oxygen ions. Less acidic, mineralized water has theoretical benefits for your dental health.-
Alkaline pH
Most people enjoy acidic beverages, including soda, and drinking micro-ionized water can theoretically help restore the mouth's pH to a more alkaline level. Micro-ionized water is also called alkaline ionized water, indicating that its pH level is not as acidic as normal drinking water. With the mouth at a higher pH, the teeth are less susceptible to dental decay.
Remineralize Incipient Cavities
Some micro-ionized water products have minerals added, including calcium. As calcium is one of the elements required to remineralize enamel, its presence in the water can theoretically help the body's defense against very small cavities. In addition, fluoridated water helps prevent dental decay, since fluoride not only has antibacterial properties but also plays a role in remineralizing enamel.
Fight Oral Bacteria
Micro-ionized water is rich in oxygen ions that can theoretically have antibacterial effects. The oral cavity contains aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, with the former needing oxygen to survive and the latter thriving in the absence of oxygen. The presence of extra oxygen ions may harm the anaerobic bacteria, which are responsible for the progression of gum disease and bad breath.
Uncertainty of Benefits
The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated all of the reported benefits of micro-ionized water. Therefore, the aforementioned advantages are theoretical, potential benefits, based on the properties of this type of water. Further research is necessary to investigate the practical benefits of micro-ionized water.