Impacted Wisdom Teeth Extraction Recovery
Pain Medication
There is likely to be some pain after the removal of impacted wisdom teeth because it is an oral surgery. Before the extractions, the doctor may prescribe you antibiotics if there was an infection. Continue taking those until the antibiotic is gone. Mild pain relief to use is ibuprofen or acetaminiphen. Many will need stronger narcotics for pain relief.
Bleeding is common in impacted wisdom teeth extraction recovery. The extraction site can bleed for several hours after surgery. To keep the bleeding controlled, put gauze in the socket left by the removed tooth, and bite down. Do so firmly and apply pressure for one hour. Keep doing so if there is light bleeding. If you are heavily bleeding, contact the surgeon or dentist if it continues past 24 hours. To prevent heavy bleeding, do not drink hot liquids or suck through a straw. Both can cause the clot to dislodge, creating a dry socket. That will be extremely painful and cause more bleeding.
Swelling of the face can occur after impacted wisdom teeth surgery. While in recovery, apply an ice pack to the outside of the cheek or cheeks. During the first 24 hours after surgery, apply ice for 10 minutes at a time, with 20-minute breaks in between. If you don't notice swelling relief, do this as much as possible during the day.
Along with avoiding hot beverages, such as tea and coffee, avoid drinking alcohol. That is especially true if you are taking heavy pain medications. Do not eat solid foods until you are no longer numb. Stick to a heavily liquid and soft food diet for at least three days after surgery.