Simple Steps for Brushing a Kid's Teeth
Begin cleaning a baby's teeth right away. Caring for an infant's teeth doesn't involve a toothbrush. Once the baby has teeth, use a damp cloth to clean them daily. Wipe them down with water, especially after drinking liquids. Once she has several teeth, brush them gently, without using toothpaste. Use a toothbrush that is indicated to be used by children.
Young Children
Once a child reaches 2 years of age, add a pea-sized drop of toothpaste to his soft toothbrush. Make sure it includes fluoride for the health of the teeth. Children who are 2 to 3 years old should have help while brushing. Gently hold his head in the crook of your arm and hold the brush in the other hand. While brushing, explain the technique and what you are doing.
When children are able to brush their own teeth, usually by 4 years of age, the technique is the same as is used by adults. The child must hold the brush at a 45-degree angle at the gum line. Press the toothbrush up against the teeth. Start brushing one tooth in small circles. Start by cleaning the front of every tooth in that method. Go back and brush the back of each tooth in the same way. Finish by brushing the molars in circles, and ensure that the bristles get in between the crevices. Brush the top of the tongue as well.
Time and Frequency
A child should spend two to three minutes brushing her teeth. This can be difficult for kids to figure out. One way to help is to time him while he's brushing his teeth. Another option is to give children a special timer, such as one with popular cartoon characters on it. Set the time for him and let him push the button to start it. Children should brush their teeth at least once in the morning and once in the evening; three times per day is optimal. Brushing their teeth at night is most beneficial. If children miss that brushing, bacteria can develop on the teeth and become cavities.