Herbal Plaque Removal
Black Tea
Although much has been written about the benefits of green tea in preventing dental cavities and reducing plaque, little has been written on the benefits of black tea. According to Dr. Christina Wu of the University of Illinois College of Dentistry, black tea is more popular than green tea and accounts for 80 percent of tea consumed in Western countries. In a recent study, Dr. Wu and her colleagues discovered that certain elements in black tea are very beneficial in preventing and eliminating bacteria responsible for plaque buildup; in particular black tea can affect glucosyltranferase, a bacterial enzyme that changes sugar, an ally of plaque, into the glue-like substance that adheres to teeth. Black tea also depresses the ability of bacteria to stick together with other bacteria, significantly reducing the amount of dental plaque. In one study, Dr. Wu had several participants rinse for 30 seconds, five times at three-minute intervals. She discovered that the dental plaque had ceased growing, along with the acid it produces. A previous Swedish study that showed rinsing with black tea reduces dental plaques, supports these findings.
Licorice and Other Herbs
The next time you drink tea, try sweetening it with licorice instead of sugar, which is a magnet for tooth decay. You will need to use an extract of licorice root rather than the commercial candy. Licorice has been to know to have anti-bacterial properties and has been used in Chinese medicine for years. According to a recent test tube study conducted at the University of California, Los Angeles, there are two substances in licorice that discourage the bacteria Streptococcus mutans, usually found in cavities and a major contributor to tooth decay. Although more studies are needed, according to Quig-Yi Liu, Ph. D, a chemist who conducted the study at UCLA's School of Medicine, and Wenyuan Shi, a microbiologist at the UCLA School of Dentisry, this indicates that potentially, licorice could be an herb used in toothpaste or mouthwash in the future.
Bloodroot is another herb that helps fight dental plaque with the chemical sanguinarine, according to herbs2000.com. Sanguinarine helps prevent plaque buildup by preventing plaque from sticking to the teeth and reduces the amount of plaque already in existence on the teeth. In addition, bloodroot helps fight gingivitis, or gum disease, which can be caused by tooth decay. Bloodroot is an herb used in toothpaste and mouthwash.
Other herbs that prevent the appearance of plaque and significantly reduce plaque buildup are myrrh, with its antiseptic qualities, and wild begamont, which contains a powerful antiseptic chemical called thymol.