Homeopathic Remedies for Gingivitis
Chew on two to three cloves to help combat gingivitis and freshen your breath. You can also work three or four drops of clove oil into your gums. Be warned that using clove oil may string, but the sensation is temporary.
Treat the pain that comes from swollen gums with salt water. Mix water and salt together in a small pot. Bring the water to a boil. Allow the concoction to cool and gargle with it for a few seconds. Gargle with potassium permanganate, which is available at your local pharmacy in crystal or tablet form. Boil water and potassium permanganate and allow it to cool before gargling the solution.
Aloe Vera
Place aloe vera pulp directly on your gum. Immediately rinse your mouth out thoroughly with water.
Folic Acid
Rinse your mouth twice a day for 30 to 60 days with a 0.1 percent solution of folic acid. Keep the folic acid in your mouth for one to five minutes and then spit it out.
Vitamin C
Increase your daily intake of vitamin C. This can be accomplished by adding fruits such as oranges to your diet or by taking a daily supplement. The most effective dosage is 300 mg a day.
Use toothpaste that contains peppermint oil, sage oil, juice of echinacea or chamomile tincture. All of these ingredients promote healthy gums and prevent gingivitis.