Home Remedy for Gingivitis
Gargle Salt Water
Gargling a mixture of salt and water throughout the day will help reduce the swelling and irritation related to gingivitis. Combine 1/2 tsp. of salt with warm water. Gargle the homemade saline mix three to four times during each session. This is recommended at least twice daily, right after brushing your teeth, but can also be used as needed to help relieve discomfort.
Drink Chamomile Tea
Chamomile has special properties to help fight the bacteria that causes gingivitis and swollen gums. Drinking chamomile tea two to three times a day will help relieve the problem. Using a toothpaste containing chamomile is also beneficial in alleviating the gingivitis. If you do not care for the taste, the tea can be simply used as a mouthwash after each meal and tooth brushing.
Use Toothpicks
Picking your teeth after each meal can help reduce the severity of gingivitis. This works by removing stuck food which can cause plaque buildup. Eliminating this food can reduce the chances of bacteria infecting the gums.
Massage the Gums
Giving your gums a daily massage can help strengthen them to fight against gingivitis. After you brush your teeth in the morning, grip your gums with your index finger on the outside and thumb on the inside. Gently knead the gums all the way around. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly beforehand to help prevent the spread of bacteria.