How to Recognize Gingivitis Symptoms

Gum diseases of any kind are not desirable. We should strive to maintain proper dental and gum care in order to avoid developing gingivitis. However, if you feel you might be developing gingivitis it is important to recognize the warning signs or the symptoms. Use the following to help you recognize the symptoms of gingivitis.


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      Check your toothbrush after brushing to see if you see a little "pink" on the bristles. This would be blood that has accumulated from your gums while brushing. Your gums may also be tender or painful when brushing if you are developing Gingivitis.

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      Look at your gums in the mirror. If they appear swollen, have changes in the texture or maybe the gums are pulling away from your teeth, this is a symptom to be checked out as gingivitis. The color of your gums may change from a healthy pink to a mealy looking red and may even appear a little streaky in color. Have these gum symptoms checked out by your dentist.

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      Floss your teeth in your daily dental hygiene routine and you might notice excessive bleeding. If this becomes a daily occurrence, you should have this symptom checked out by your dentist.

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      Notice an increase in a foul taste in your mouth or a noticeable change of having bad breath. This can indicate a symptom of gingivitis and is another symptom of gingivitis to be evaluated by your dentist.

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