Reversal of Periodontal Disease
To reverse gingivitis, you don't generally need professional help. Simply flossing daily and brushing more often can reverse this disease.
Early Periodontitis
Early periodontitis can be reversed by improving oral hygiene and having plaque removed by a professional cleaning. In addition, a periodontist might need to perform scaling or root planing.
Moderate Periodontitis
The next stage is moderate periodontitis. In addition to the treatments listed above, antibiotic treatment might be necessary. Oral or topical antibiotics can be used to reverse the damage of moderate periodontitis. If teeth have shifted, braces might be needed to correct alignment.
Advanced Periodontitis
To reverse this form, all of the treatments listed before will help get rid of the periodontitis, but other procedures are needed to correct the damages it caused. Bone grafts can build up the lost bone tissue. Dental implants can replace teeth lost because of damaged connective tissue.
Acidic foods and drinks, such as carbonated drinks, artificial sweeteners, and sugary foods contribute to bacteria growth in the mouth as well. Cutting down on these items, as well as brushing or rinsing after consuming them, will help prevent and reverse gum disease.
Tea tree oil is an antiseptic rinse that can help get rid of bacteria. Mixing hydrogen peroxide with an equal amount of water and rinsing with it can soothe inflamed gums and kill bacteria.
According to the American Dental Association, cigarette smokers are four times more likely to develop gum disease.