Probiotics & Periodontal Disease
Why be Concerned about Periodontal Disease?
Symptoms of periodontal disease include bleeding gums, inflamed gums, gums that are sensitive when touched, mouth sores and swelling. Prevention and treatment is very important because if periodontal disease is allowed to continue, it can lead to further complications such as infection or abscess of the gums or jaw bones, trench mouth and periodontitis.
What you Need to Know about Probiotics
Though you may not be aware, your intestinal tract is inhabited by living colonies of over 400 types of microorganisms. Some of them are responsible for causing disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, allergies and digestive problems, while others are working hard to combat pathogens, help the body release toxins and keep your digestive and immune systems in tip-top condition. The beneficial live bacteria are known as probiotics, and specific strains can be found in foods such as yogurt, kefir, miso and some soft cheeses. They can also be obtained as supplements in the forms of powders and tablets.
Which Probiotics Do You Need?
Only a handful of the thousands of beneficial bacterial strains have been researched to date. But if you familiarize yourself with the beneficial strains you'll soon be able to pick out the best probiotic foods and supplements to suit your individual needs. If you are looking for probiotics to help boost your immune system and prevent or heal periodontal disease, here are the best ones to look out for, along with their other beneficial effects:
Lactobacillus acidophilus -- helps prevent yeast infections, improves gastrointestinal function, boosts immune system, reduces risk of E. coli, and reduces constipation.
Lactobacillus Casei var. rhamnosus -- boosts immune system, reduces effects of IBS, controls diarrhea.
Bifidobacteria infantis 35624 -- boosts immune system can help prevent salmonella, reduces effects of IBS.
There are also an increasing number of foods available today which claim to have added probiotics, from granola to hummus and fruit juice, but its virtually impossible for a consumer to tell what level of probiotics they contain because theses types of foods are not being regulated for probiotic content.
How Many Proboitcs do you Need?
The usual measurement for probiotics is Colony Forming Units or CFUs. This refers to the number of live bacteria present in each serving. The typical daily dosage recommendation is 10 billion CFUs. However, label potency claims can only be guaranteed at the time of manufacture, so it's important to contact the manufacturer for data and check with your health food store or practitioner for advice on the most reputable products.
How to Maintain the Quality of your Probiotics
To ensure you are purchasing the highest-quality probiotic supplement and that it is alive and intact you should confirm the following information:
• Species and strain -- the species and strain should be effective for your specific needs (see sidebar). The majority of supplies do not grow the cultures themselves but purchase them from a lab.
• High number of live organisms -- supplements should contain at least 1 billion per gram. These should be guaranteed viable until the expiration date.
• Storage -- stored in sealed packages or amber-colored bottles.
• Shelf-life stability -- Information from the manufacturer on how this is guaranteed. Find out how the product was shipped and how stability is maintained during transportation.
Priobiotic Gum
Scientists at German chemical company BASF have developed a probiotic gum that may significantly help reduce gum disease and tooth decay. The gum contains Lactobacillus anti-caries beneficial bacteria that, its developers say has the ability to reduce oral bacteria. Though the gum will not be a substitute for brushing and flossing the teeth, it may become a regular part of dental hygiene.