Home Remedies for Healing Canker Sores
What They Are
Sensitive, painful canker sores are little ulcers that occur on any soft tissues inside the mouth, most commonly on the tongue. They attack people of all ages and life stages. When they burst, a white or yellow coating forms over them and they turn red. They're often accompanied by fever and a general rotten feeling all over. Some people experience swelling of the lymph nodes.
Canker sores typically heal on their own in one or two weeks. However, future outbreaks are predictable. Although antibiotics are ineffective against the sore outbreak itself, they are sometimes prescribed to fight secondary infections. But for most people, running to the doctor every time you get one is pretty pointless, unless you enjoy contributing to your physician's personal wealth.
Home Remedies
Use of soothing mouthwashes several times a day can give the canker-sore sufferer a significant measure of relief. Rinsing with aloe vera is not only soothing, but offers some antiseptic qualities as well. Create a soothing antiseptic rinse from 4 parts water and 1 part hydrogen peroxide. A warm glass of water to which 1 tsp. each of salt and baking soda are added is an excellent rinse for canker sores. Rinsing with whiskey not only dulls or numbs the pain, but offers antiseptic properties as well.
Make a thick paste with baking soda or alum powder and water, and apply it to the sore at bedtime. These pastes may sting for a minute, but soon bring relief, and are believed to reduce the severity and duration of the canker-sore outbreak.
Apply a slice of raw onion to your canker sore and hold it there for five minutes. Remove the onion from your mouth and rinse well with plum juice. Some find that simply swabbing plum juice onto the sore works well. Also try steeping a tea bag in hot water to wet it thoroughly. Gently press the bag to the sore for five minutes. The tannic acid present in tea eases pain and promotes healing.
Dab some honey directly onto your canker sore as needed. It's soothing, eases the pain and promotes healing. Topical applications of ice, tea tree oil and cayenne pepper temporarily desensitize the nerves in the area and bring instant relief. Over-the-counter topical antiseptics that are safe for oral use relieve pain and fight infection.
Stay away from any hot, spicy or acidic foods and beverages, which will irritate your canker sore. Try not to bite your lips, tongue or cheeks, which can injure the soft tissues of your mouth lining and invite the invasion of sores.