How to Clean Gum Disease
Floss after every meal to not only get rid of any food, but to scrap off any plaque. Not flossing regularly is the main cause of gum disease, so after you've found out you have gum disease, start getting in the habit of flossing all the time. Use ACT fluoride rinse, which is an antibacterial mouth wash.
Brush your gums smoothly and try to not make them bleed. Use toothpaste for sensitive teeth and a yeast agent to help kill tartar. Brush all areas of your gums and also try to brush the areas between your gums and teeth.
Eat more healthful food and don't eat food with rough edges such as potato chips. Try eating foods that are full of vitamin C and calcium. Low-fat yogurt is good to eat as it won't hurt you gums and will make your teeth bones stronger. Make sure that you still brush and clean your teeth and gums well after eating.
Undergo scaling and root planning procedures by oral health professionals. This is a deep cleaning method of scraping plaque and tartar from all sides around the gums.
Have the pocket reduction procedure performed by a dentist, where pockets that have formed on the gums are removed and cleaned. Medicine is then applied to the gums and must repeatedly used after thoroughly cleaning your gums.