How to Treat Gum Disease Naturally
Eat plenty of foods that are rich in Vitamin C. Dentists often suggest oranges, grapefruits, broccoli, cantaloupe, brussel sprouts, mango, and even red peppers. Since Vitamin C acts as as an antioxidant, it can easily help repair connective fibers and speed up the regeneration of bone.
Start taking natural herb supplements. There are several options you can use, the most success has been witnessed with white oak bark and myrrh gum powder.
Reduce your level of stress. According to a study performed by the University of Dusseldorf, patients who experienced increased levels of stress had faster plaque build up. That contributes to gum disease.
Eat more foods rich in Vitamin D. This vitamin acts as an anti-inflammatory. That can help inflamed an inflamed gum area to settle down, allowing bone to regrow where it had been previously restricted.
Stop smoking. This is a simple step. However, smokers are seven times more likely to suffer from gum infections than those people who do not. Put down the cigarettes, and you have a better chance of curing your gum disease at a much faster rate.
Eat a healthy diet. Eliminate the sodas, candy and other junk foods you've been eating. The obvious effect here is that you eliminate many of the sugars that can lead to plaque build up and which inhibit your body from staying healthy enough to cure itself.