What Vitamins Are Good for the Gums?
Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps keep your gums healthy. A vitamin C deficiency can lead to gum disease because this vitamin helps produce collagen in the skin, and the gums are considered skin tissue. When there is not enough vitamin C in your system your body has a difficult time trying to replenish gum tissue. If your gums have started to recede then you need to start taking vitamin C because it will help you treat the problem.
Vitamin D
If you have inflammation of the gums, vitamin D can help stop this condition. Inflammation contributes to bleeding gums and can cause many people to develop periodontal disease, which can cause your teeth to loosen and start to fall out. Periodontal disease will attack the tissue that provides a foundation for the teeth. Getting a sufficient amount of vitamin D can help get rid of bleeding gums. The skin will produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. You can get additional sources of vitamin D from salmon, sardines and fortified milk. Vitamin D is also found in eggs and cod liver oil.
Vitamin A
If you don't get enough vitamin A you could develop defective teeth and gums. Vitamin A is also known as beta carotene, and it can be found in eggs, fruits and vegetables, milk, carrots, tomatoes and fish liver oil.
Folic Acid
Another vitamin used to health keep the gums healthy is folic acid. This is a B-vitamin that helps reduce gingivitis. It also can wipe out toxins that lead to plaque. If you want to make sure you are getting enough folic acid, consume plenty of fruits and green leafy vegetables. Cereals are also a good source of folic acid.
Zinc is a mineral that helps promote healing. When the tissue that helps support the teeth is attacked and weakened by periodontal disease, zinc can restore it to a level of health. Zinc can also prevent infections due to gum disease. There are a number of foods that contain zinc, including lobster, clams, salmon, pork, beef, turkey and chicken. If you don't eat a significant amount of meat, then chances are you get less zinc. Additional sources of zinc are peanuts, beans, brown rice and whole wheat bread.