How To Treat Sore Gums
Modify your cleaning routine. Maintaining a healthy oral-care routine is essential in preventing plaque and treating sore gums. Although daily brushing and flossing is recommended, heavy brushing and flossing can actually contribute to sore gums. Switch to a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid damaging sore gums further. Keep brushing sessions under three minutes, taking care not to apply too much pressure to sore gums.
Use herbal tea. Brew a cup of green tea to create a soothing mouth rinse. Swish the tea around in your mouth several times to lubricate your teeth and gums. Green tea contains antioxidants that help fight bacteria and plaque buildup. Utilize this rinse after each meal to help remove bacteria and food particles. Avoid using bottled green tea to treat sore gums, due to the amount of sugar in these products.
Keep your gums lubricated to help alleviate soreness. Rinse with cool water following each meal to remove food particles and to keep your gums moisturized. Drink at least six glasses of water daily to maintain proper hydration. Apply small amounts of aloe vera gel to sore gums to lock in moisture.
Try medicated mouth rinses. Swishing with these rinses helps eliminate bacteria and ease gum pain. Over-the-counter mouthwashes often contain domiphen bromide or cetylpridinium chloride, which eliminate bacteria and help prevent gingivitis. Prescription rinses containing chlorhexidine are often prescribed to treat sore gums and prevent further infection. Take care when using medicated rinses, as overuse can destroy your "good" oral bacteria.
Make dietary changes to treat sore gums. Consider eating a soft diet until gum soreness subsides. Although foods like apples and carrots are healthy, chewing them with sore gums can lead to more irritation and swelling. Avoid spicy and sugary foods to help your gums heal faster.