How to Cure Swollen Gums
Rinse your mouth out with a salt water solution. Add a tablespoon of salt to a glass of warm water and stir them together. Swish the water around in your mouth for several minutes and then spit it out. Repeat this process several times a day to temporarily cure swollen gums.
Try lemon juice for a potential cure for swollen gums. Squeeze the juice from a full lemon into a full glass of warm water. Rinse with this solution for several minutes two to three times a day.
Floss regularly. If you don't floss after meals, food will become lodged between your teeth and lead to gingivitis, a dental condition that causes swollen and bleeding gums.
Take a daily vitamin. Swollen gums can result from a lack of vitamin C, folic acid or iron. Find a multivitamin that contains these essential vitamins and minerals.
Massage your gums. Another remedy for swollen gums is to massage them gently with either a cotton swab or rubber finger massager. Spend at least 5 minutes performing this action each day to increase blood flow to the area.
Opt for a homeopathic remedy. Purchase propolis extract from a natural health store and apply one dropperful to the inside of your mouth. Keep the substance in your mouth for at least a minute before rinsing with water.