How to Stop Gum Disease
Things You'll Need
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Dental Floss
- Dentist/Periodontist
- Antibiotics
Be sure to brush your teeth twice daily. Most people brush their teeth in the morning. However, it’s important to brush more than once a day. If you want to prevent and stop gum disease, brush after every meal.
Make flossing a regular habit. While most people habitually brush their teeth, some neglect to floss. Flossing emoves food from between the teeth and promotes healthy gums. Attempt to floss once a day.
See a dentist at least once a year. It’s best to schedule a dental cleaning every six months. If unable to do so, visit a dentist every 12 months. Dentists can remove dental plague and can detect early signs of gum disease.
Treat the infection. To stop gum disease, you’ll need to see a periodontist. This type of dentist treats various gum diseases. Through deep cleaning techniques, the periodontist removes plague that causes the infection. Moreover, they’ll likely prescribe medical mouthwash and antibiotics to control the infection.
Schedule gum surgery. Often times, deep cleanings and prescription medicine are unable to stop gum disease. In severe cases, the periodontist may recommend gum or flap surgery. This medical procedure involves surgically cutting and lifting the gums to remove tarter, plague and bacteria.