What Is Involved in a Deep Cleaning at the Periodontist?
Gum disease attacks below the gum line, causing bacteria to create pockets around the tooth. The bacterial pockets break down and decay the supporting tissue of your tooth, which may eventually cause your teeth to start to wiggle and fall out.
Symptoms of gum disease include swollen, red and inflamed gums, bleeding while flossing and brushing, bad breath and gaps between your teeth.
Scaling and Root Planing
Your Periodontist will do a deep cleaning of the teeth called scaling and root planing. Scaling involves scraping off the tartar, both above and below the gum line. Root planning is a procedure where the periodontist smoothes out the bumps and rough areas on the root of the tooth.
The periodontist will use special tools that are ultrasonic, which means a tool that vibrates very vast, to scrape off the tartar. After he has used the ultrasonic tool he will then use a hand instrument called a scaler to chip off tartar and the roughness of the tooth surface above and below the gum line all the way down to the root.
Time Frame
Antibiotic gel chips may be placed in the pockets around your teeth to prevent further infection. Oral antibiotics may be prescribed as well. It may take up to four appointments to complete the deep cleaning process.
Brush and floss your teeth daily. Visit the dentist for a regular cleaning every 6 months. Do not smoke.