Periodontal Disease Laser Treatment
Basic Treatment
The American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) states that lasers are effective in treating mild cases of gum disease. Scaling and root planing involves removing plaque and build-up below the gum line and smooths the root surface to limit future build-up. This technique can be easily and safely performed with a laser, providing the dentist or periodontist has been thoroughly trained.
Advanced Treatments
A technique known as Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP) has been used to treat advanced gum disease and restore healthy tissue. The American Dental Association (ADA) says that research on this technique shows promise. At this time, however, the ADA does not endorse LANAP.
According to the AAP, laser treatment of gum disease results in less bleeding and swelling. This reduces patient pain, and results in a faster recovery from the minor procedure.
Successful laser treatment involves setting wavelengths and power levels. Improper settings can damage gum tissue. Ask your dental provider about his training and experience before any laser procedure.
The AAP supports the use of lasers in scaling and root planing. Both the AAP and the ADA caution that laser techniques are no more effective than traditional surgery in other treatments for gum disease. Research continues into the use of lasers in periodontology.