How to Use CoQ10 for Your Teeth

Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, has been promoted to boost energy, lose weight, fight cancer and help the immune system, as well as helping the gums and teeth. CoQ10 is popular in Japan for preventing swollen gums and deteriorating teeth and has been recommended by American dentists for fighting and treating gum disease. CoQ10 can be found in many common foods, but as many individuals are deficient in the nutrient, it is available as a supplement as well.

Things You'll Need

  • CoQ10 supplement
  • Mouthwash
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      Increase primary sources of CoQ10 in your diet. These include salmon and tuna (and other oily fish), organ meats, egg yolk, milk fat, whole grains, peanuts, wheat germ and spinach.

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      Take a CoQ10 supplement. According to John L. Burch, DDS, the standard dosage for a CoQ10 supplement is 30 milligrams per day. Some doctors recommend this be taken in gel form so that it can be more effectively absorbed by the body.

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      Rinse with a chlorhexidine-containing mouthwash or with Listerine. As part of your CoQ10 treatment and prevention program, you should use an effective mouthwash to keep your teeth and gums free of disease-causing germs. According to Healing Daily, chlorhexidine-based mouthwash is the most effective; however, it could stain the teeth and should not be used by women who are pregnant or nursing.

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