Tips on Using Your Waterpik
Select the Right Tip
Most Waterpik models come with tips designed to target hidden plaque areas, flush particles caught between crowded teeth and clean orthodontics. For best results, choose the right tip for your specific dental concerns and switch between tips when necessary.
Pressure Settings
Be gentle with your gums, especially when you first use a Waterpik. Most Waterpik units let you choose from a range of jet stream strengths. It can be tempting to use stronger jet flows for washing away food particles and plaque, but this can irritate and even injure sensitive gums. Clean your teeth and gums using the lower settings, and gradually work your way up to stronger jet flows.
Cleaning Your Waterpik
Empty and rinse your Waterpik reservoir water tank on a regular basis. Keeping the unit fresh and bacteria-free is essential for maintaining good oral hygiene and getting the most from your Waterpik. Use dishwashing liquid and water at least once a week for best results.
Create a Fluoride Solution
Add a fluoride rinse to your Waterpik reservoir tank. Combining your favorite mouthwash with water creates an enhanced irrigating solution that increases the cleansing properties to your Waterpik jet stream.
Aiming Your Waterpik
Many first-time Waterpik users aim the jet stream directly on the tooth surface. For better results, aim the tip just below the gum line, where bacteria and plaque breed and spread to cause tooth decay. Be careful not to use on sensitive areas, such as open sores or wounds.