Ozonated Oils for Peridontal Disease
Poor oral hygiene can contribute to periodontal disease. According to Mayo Clinic, bacteria in the mouth can cause plaque. If plaque is not cleaned away, it can harden into tartar which can cause sore and inflamed gums, the beginning of periodontal disease.
Ozonated Oils
According to Silvermedicine, ozonated oil is made by bubbling ozone through pure oil in the presence of a magnetic field. By bubbling ozone through an ozone resistant container (such as glass), the ozone will react with the oil to produce ozonated oil.
Ozonated oil is used therapeutically to detoxify and kill infectious disease-causing bacteria, mycoplasmas and virus organisms, according Dreddyclinic, an Ayurvedic medical clinic. Ozonated oils, particularly ozonated olive oil can relieve many medical ailments, including periodontal disease.
When oxygen trapped in ozonated oils is released from the oil, it is effective in inactivating viruses, bacteria, yeast and other harmful organisms, including bacteria in the mouth.
In alternative dentistry, ozonated oil is applied to the gum after brushing to kill any bacteria hiding in gum pockets created by periodontal disease. It is best to consult your dentist before using it.