What Is Deep Root Cleaning?
Gum Infections
Gum infections are induced by the presence of bacteria under the gums around the teeth.
How Does Gum Infection Damage Teeth
The longer the gum infection is left to persist, the more it erodes the supporting bones around teeth and eventually creates pockets which cannot be penetrated with home care for cleaning and hygiene.
How Deep Root Cleaning Works
Deep root cleaning is targeted to clean out this bacteria and hence resolves the infection. This in turn puts a stop to further bone loss around teeth.
Length of Procedure
Deep root cleaning is divided into quadrants of work where sections of the mouth are cleaned at each separate appointment; upper right, upper left, lower right, lower left. This makes the appointments and procedure more manageable.
Cost of Procedure
Depending on severity of the problem, deep root cleaning can cost anywhere between $100 to $400 per quadrant. The procedure is covered by most dental insurances. )