Proper Care and Cleaning of Dentures
Every night when you remove your dentures, you need to brush any loose particles of food off of the teeth. Soaking the dentures in water for 10 minutes helps to loosen any stuck pieces, especially any leftover denture adhesive. Using your denture brush and your denture cleanser, gently brush the teeth, just as you would your own. Never use toothpaste on the dentures as it may damage the fragile teeth. Baking soda is good to use but an over-the-counter denture cleanser is always best. Do not forget to brush the inside of your mouth as well and make sure your dentures are out if you rinse your mouth with mouthwash. Never leave your dentures dry. Never wash your dentures in the dishwasher or any boiling water. They will become warped and unusable.
After thoroughly brushing and rinsing the dentures, soak them in a solution of one part water and one part vinegar or aloe vera. The vinegar and aloe vera helps to reduce the growth of a fungal infection on the dentures.
Wash After Meals
Rinse your dentures under running water after every meal and never wear your dentures to bed. Your gums need time to rest and rejuvenate after having dentures in all day. They get this rest during the night when your dentures are in a glass next to your bed and not in your mouth.
Clean Your Denture Brush
Soak your denture brush in a solution of one part water and one part bleach just once a week to kill any bacteria in the brush.
Report Improper Fits
Always contact your dentist if you are experiencing any problems with your dentures. Improper fitting can lead to sore spots and further problems so be sure to let your dentist know if your dentures are uncomfortable.