Help With Denture Pain
Chewy Foods
Have soft chewy foods as opposed to crunchy, crusty kinds. Take the hard work load away from your dentures as much as you can. Stay away from hardened breads or meats; instead settle for soft fish, finely ground chicken with soft pasta and rice or soups, stews and puddings.
Rub your gums to get rid of the pain. You can hold your aching gums with your index finger and thumb or use a toothbrush with soft bristles in circular movements to rub away your pain. This massage will lead to stronger gum tissue that will make sturdy denture bases.
Denture Removal
Do not wear your dentures if they are excruciatingly painful. Remove them from your mouth till you meet your denturist for advice. This will give your gums a rest and let the tissue breathe freely. Cancel or postpone work or meetings if you cannot attend them without your dentures. But make sure to put them on an hour or so before visiting the doctor, as wearing them will give him a better idea of the cause of the irritant.
Rinsing and Medications
If the pain is unbearable, you could try using an over-the-counter dental painkiller till the time you meet your denturist. Rinsing your mouth with salt water also helps to provide relief from the pain. Salt acts as an antiseptic and helps fight infection in case your gums are wounded.
Fitting Adjustment
If your teeth have just been removed and your new dentures just fitted, then your gums may be too painful to adopt the new addition. Denturists will advise the use of a liner applied to the denture's underside to function as cushion till the gums are better equipped to handle the denture set.
Drug Management
Dried-up mouths and gums lead to discomfort with dentures. If any medicine, such as those used to control blood pressure or fight depression, dries up the inside of your mouth, talk to your denturist about options to control the situation.
Herbal Remedies
Cotton doused in gel of aloe vera and oil of eucalyptus can provide great relief from denture pain when rubbed directly on the gums. You also have the option of making a mixture by adding half a tablespoon of dried herbal goldenseal and half a teaspoon of baking soda to half a cup of lukewarm water. Then, cool and strain the mixture before rinsing your mouth with it. Such remedies help in soothing and healing of gums, leading to relief from denture pain. Another great rinse involves a blend of aniseed, peppermint leaves, myrrh tincture and boiling water. A mixture of clove powder and olive oil or a fresh fig placed directly on your sore gums can provide temporary relief too.