What is the best dental insurance for orthodontics?
- The type of orthodontic treatment you need. Some dental insurance plans only cover certain types of orthodontic treatment, such as braces or clear aligners. If you need a more specialized treatment, such as orthognathic surgery, you may need to purchase a separate dental insurance plan that covers this type of treatment.
- The amount of coverage you need. Dental insurance plans typically have a maximum coverage amount for orthodontic treatment. This amount can vary from plan to plan, so it's important to choose a plan that has a coverage amount that is sufficient for your needs.
- Your budget. Dental insurance plans for orthodontics can vary significantly in price. It's important to choose a plan that fits your budget.
- Your family's dental needs. If you have other family members who need orthodontic treatment, you may want to choose a dental insurance plan that offers family coverage.
Some of the best dental insurance plans for orthodontics include:
- Delta Dental PPO Plus. This plan offers up to $1,500 of coverage for orthodontic treatment for children and adults. The plan also has a family maximum of $3,000.
- Cigna Dental PPO. This plan offers up to $2,000 of coverage for orthodontic treatment for children and adults. The plan also has a family maximum of $4,000.
- Blue Cross Blue Shield Dental Premier. This plan offers up to $1,500 of coverage for orthodontic treatment for children and adults. The plan also has a family maximum of $3,000.
- MetLife Dental PPO. This plan offers up to $2,000 of coverage for orthodontic treatment for children and adults. The plan also has a family maximum of $4,000.
It's important to note that these are just a few examples of dental insurance plans that offer coverage for orthodontics. There are many other plans available, so be sure to compare plans carefully before choosing one.
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