Where to go for partial dentures seniors?
- Dentists: Seniors should start by talking to their dentist about partial dentures. Dentists can provide information about the different types of partial dentures available, the costs involved, and the process of getting fitted for dentures. They can also refer you to a specialist who has more experience with denture treatment.
- Denturists: Denturists are dental professionals who specialize in making and fitting dentures. They can provide information about the different types of dentures available, the costs involved, and the process of getting fitted for dentures.
- Dental insurance companies: Dental insurance companies may provide coverage for partial dentures. Seniors should contact their dental insurance company to find out what coverage is available and what the process is for getting dentures covered.
- Government agencies: Some government agencies may provide assistance to seniors who need partial dentures. For example, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides dental care, including dentures, to eligible veterans.
- Nonprofit organizations: Some nonprofit organizations provide assistance to seniors who need partial dentures. For example, the National Foundation of Dentistry for the Handicapped (NFDH) provides financial assistance to low-income seniors who need dentures.
Seniors should research all of their options before choosing a place to go for partial dentures. They should compare the costs, the services offered, and the experience of the professionals involved. Seniors should also make sure that they are comfortable with the treatment plan before they agree to it.
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