What to Do With Ortho Wax?
Ortho wax can help with pain from braces when they cut the gums. Call an orthodontist for severe pain or injury, but for the day-to-day scratching and discomfort, there is easy relief. Use orthodontic wax at home to fix several little problems caused by braces. Most orthodontists give first-time patients packets of wax because it comes in handy.-
Loose brackets
The braces, or brackets that are the metal pieces attached to the teeth, can come loose. After eating something hard or sticky, the brackets can come ajar, which can poke the gums and cause discomfort. If it's a few days until the next appointment with an orthodontist, repair the bracket with the wax. If it won't stay on the tooth, simply place wax on top of the whole bracket to cushion the cheek, gum or tongue. Most ortho wax is clear, so it won't be visible.
Broken wires
The wires that string the brackets together sometimes break. It could also feel like one broke if the very tip of it is agitating the back of a gum, cheek or tongue. Between appointments, when a wire is loose or poking mouth tissue, cover it with ortho wax to prevent a sore from forming in the mouth. Don't cut wire from braces, even if it is sticking out, because tiny pieces of wire are easy to swallow and could even get lodged in the lungs.
Pain relief
Sometimes, there is no apparent reason why braces are scraping and hurting the mouth. Remember, there are many moving parts, including your teeth, and it's all in a small area. Any time the brackets are rubbing up against the cheek, try to identify the source of the pain. Dry off the area as best as possible with a lint-free cloth, and place a small ball of wax over it. The wax is flexible and should stick to brackets easily.