What Are Hooks on Orthodontic Braces Used For?
Individual Teeth
Hooks are used to attach elastic bands to the braces. The bands are used to apply force to individual teeth. They are supplied to the patient who is then responsible for their attachment and removal as per the prescribed amount of time.
The hooks are also used to fit bands when applying pressure to the archwire, which is the main wire that the braces are fitted along.
Hooks also serve the purpose of helping secure headgear to the outside of the patient's head. Headgear is used to correct major bite problems.
Spring Hooks
Spring hooks are sometimes attached between two regular hooks. They are sturdier than rubber bands and are fitted and removed by the orthodontist.
Not Used
Some patients report that they were fitted with a bracket containing a hook, but the hook was never used. The orthodontist may have anticipated the use of elastic bands and later found it unnecessary. The patient may apply wax to end of the hooks to keep them from rubbing on other parts of the mouth.