How to Cope With Adult Braces
Adult orthodontic braces straighten crooked teeth or correct misaligned bites. Braces improve the appearance of teeth, reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease and improve structural issues in the mouth that may lead to jaw pain and problems chewing and speaking. Depending on the severity of orthodontic issues, adults may have to wear braces for one to three years, with periodic orthodontic check-ups and readjustments. Proper care can minimize discomfort and help adults cope with wearing braces.Instructions
Brush and floss teeth daily as directed by your dentist or orthodontist. Brush your teeth after meals to prevent food and plaque from becoming trapped between teeth and gums and to prevent decalcification, which causes white spots to form on teeth.
Avoid foods that can damage, dislodge or stick to braces. These include hard foods, such as popcorn, nuts, pretzels and corn on the cob, as well as sticky foods, such as caramel, gum and taffy. You may also need to cut other foods into smaller, more manageable bites.
Take an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, to relieve temporary pain caused by adjustments to braces. Follow the dosing instructions on the product's packaging. Talk to your orthodontist if your braces cause continuous pain.
Schedule regular appointments with your dentist for check-ups and cleaning while wearing braces. Your orthodontist will check the integrity of your braces and make any necessary changes or readjustments, while your dentist will determine the overall health of your teeth.