Reasons to Fix Overbites
Malocclusion can manifest in two ways. In a vertical overbite, the upper teeth noticeably overlap the bottom; a horizontal overbite has the uppers protruding outward. The appearance of severely protruding teeth can cause stress. Total Teeth warns of patients suffering from self-consciousness and low self-esteem; however, the website emphasizes that physical risk outweighs cosmetic issues when it comes to fixing the overbite.
Facial Muscle Disorders
Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are sometimes referred to as TMJ (temporomandibular joints) by dentists and patients, although the latter refers only to the joints of the face. TMD focuses on problems of the facial muscles; its symptoms include headache, ear pain, muscle fatigue and joint pain. Dr. Barry C. Cooper of the TMJ/TMD website cites overbite as a cause of TMD, saying it is associated with "overclosure of the jaw and rear pressure in the TMJ joint adjacent to the ear." In its more severe form, an overbite can trigger migraine headaches.
Mouth Disorders
The crookedness that characterizes overbite can contribute to several disorders of the mouth. The patient may have difficulty brushing or flossing, which can lead to bad breath and tooth decay that progresses to gum disease. In the case of severe overbite, the soft tissue at the top of the mouth may incur damage from the scraping of the bottom teeth.
Other Effects
Though RightHealth calls overbite-caused speech impediments rare, a lisp can develop in some patients. Severe overbite may interfere with chewing, which can compromise food intake and digestion. A patient unable to chew or swallow properly may face weight issues or choking risk.
Overbite treatment typically begins with an X-ray of the jaw to measure the extent of the condition. For mild overbite, options include a daytime retainer or nighttime bite guard, worn daily to discourage teeth grinding. An orthodontist may apply dental braces for up to two years, depending on the condition of the teeth. In the most severe cases, an oral surgeon performs an orthognatic procedure -- which can run up to $15,000 -- that involves trimming the bones in the jaw or inserting pins and screws to hold the jaw in alignment.