About Mechanics of Roth Technique in Orthodontia
Roth Technique
In traditional orthodontic treatment, the patient's teeth may fit together well at the end of dental care, but the jaw may have to shift in order for this to happen. Dr. Roth did not believe that this result would stand the test of time. He developed a treatment philosophy identifying five areas of care leading to proper aesthetics and a healthy temporomandibular joint (TMJ).
Features of Technique
The Roth Technique is made up of five key areas. These include facial and dental aesthetics, which deal with symmetry and how the teeth appear; functional occlusion, which is how the surfaces of the teeth come together when biting or chewing; proper periodontal health; and a healthy TMJ.
Addressing all five components of the Roth philosophy may require different modalities. These can include braces, tooth extraction and surgery. A repositioning splint may also be used in order to train the muscles of the jaw to hold the TMJ in place.