How many pads are normal to go through a day...and or tampons more sanitary Thanks -Rae?
* During a heavy flow day, you may need to change your pad or tampon every 2 to 3 hours.
* During a light flow day, you may only need to change your pad or tampon every 4 to 8 hours.
_You should never wear a pad or tampon for longer than 8 hours at a time._ This can increase your risk of developing a bacterial infection.
Which is more sanitary: pads or tampons?
Both pads and tampons are safe and effective ways to manage your menstrual flow. However, there are some differences in their absorbency and comfort level.
* Pads are more absorbent than tampons, so they may be a better option if you have a heavy flow. However, they can also be more bulky and uncomfortable, especially if you wear tight-fitting clothing.
* Tampons are less absorbent than pads, but they can be more comfortable to wear, especially if you are active or wear tight-fitting clothing. However, they can also cause vaginal dryness and discomfort if they are not inserted properly.
_The best way to decide which feminine hygiene product is right for you is to try different ones and see what works best for you._
Here are some tips for using pads and tampons safely and effectively:
* Always wash your hands before and after changing your pad or tampon.
* Change your pad or tampon every 2 to 8 hours, or more often if you have a heavy flow.
* Never wear a pad or tampon for longer than 8 hours at a time.
* If you experience vaginal dryness or discomfort when using a tampon, try using a smaller size or a different brand.
_If you have any questions or concerns about feminine hygiene products, talk to your doctor or a nurse._