When can you start talking after wisdom tooth extraction?

You should avoid talking for at least the first few hours after your wisdom tooth extraction. This is because talking can cause the blood clot to dislodge, which can lead to bleeding and pain. Once you have stopped bleeding and the swelling has gone down, you can start talking normally again. However, you should still be careful to avoid talking too much or too loudly, as this could put pressure on the extraction site and cause pain.

Here are some tips for talking after wisdom tooth extraction:

* Speak slowly and clearly.

* Avoid talking for long periods of time.

* Avoid shouting or yelling.

* Avoid blowing your nose.

* Avoid sucking on straws.

* If you need to cough or sneeze, do so gently.

If you have any questions about talking after wisdom tooth extraction, be sure to ask your dentist.

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