How do you get your taste buds back after a tonsillectomy?
1. Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of fluids can help to keep your mouth and throat moist, which can help to improve your sense of taste.
2. Eat a healthy diet. Eating a diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to produce saliva. Saliva is essential for taste, so increasing your saliva production can help to improve your sense of taste.
3. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol. Smoking and drinking alcohol can both dry out your mouth and throat, which can worsen your sense of taste.
4. Use over-the-counter medications. There are a number of over-the-counter medications that can help to improve your sense of taste, such as zinc supplements or biotene mouthwash.
5. See your doctor. If your sense of taste does not improve after a few weeks, you should see your doctor. They may be able to recommend other treatments, such as prescription medications or surgery.