Is it completely safe to smoke weed a week after wisdom tooth extraction?
Smoking weed can increase your risk of developing dry socket, a painful condition that occurs when the blood clot that forms in the tooth socket after extraction is dislodged. This can lead to delayed healing, increased pain, and infection. Additionally, smoking weed can thin your blood and increase your risk of bleeding, which is also a risk factor for dry socket.
In addition to these physical risks, smoking weed can also have psychological effects, such as increased anxiety and paranoia. These effects can be especially pronounced in people who are already feeling anxious or stressed about their recovery from surgery.
For these reasons, it is generally recommended that you avoid smoking weed for at least 2-4 weeks after wisdom tooth extraction, or until your dentist gives you the all-clear. If you are unsure about whether or not it is safe for you to smoke weed, be sure to talk to your dentist or oral surgeon.