How to Understand Root Canal Complications
Expect a flare-up of pain and occasional swelling in less than 5 percent of root canals. This usually occurs in the first three days and is caused by bacteria inside the tooth that produce toxins.
Experience moderate to severe pain if the infection in the tooth was extensive. This marks the required healing period and should gradually disappear over several days.
Call your dentist for an appointment if the tooth feels higher than the others. This can happen if the socket swells and will disrupt the healing process. Your dentist can adjust your bite so that it does not hit so hard when you chew.
Diagnose a fracture in the tooth with dye tests or a microscope. This will cause pain and require the tooth to be crowned as soon as possible after the root canal. You will need to avoid chewing on that tooth until it can be crowned.
Perform the root canal again if the tooth does not heal. This occurs in rare circumstances because of differing immune systems and healing capacities. The infection may need to be removed surgically if it affects the bone.