When you have your wisdom teeth extracted should keep head up or lie down?

It is generally recommended to keep your head elevated after wisdom teeth extraction to minimize swelling and promote healing. Lying down flat can increase blood flow to the area, which can worsen swelling and pain.

Here are some specific tips for head positioning after wisdom teeth extraction:

1. Keep your head elevated at all times, especially when sleeping. Use extra pillows or prop yourself up with a recliner or chair.

2. Avoid bending over or hanging your head upside down. This can increase blood flow to the extraction site and cause more swelling and pain.

3. When sleeping, lie on your back or your side, but avoid putting excessive pressure on the extraction site.

4. Avoid activities that require strenuous movement or heavy lifting, as these can also increase swelling and pain.

By following these tips, you can help reduce discomfort and promote healing after wisdom teeth extraction.

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