What percent of people get their wisdom teeth pulled?
Reasons for removal: Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars to develop and often appear in the late teens or early twenties. Sometimes, these teeth can become impacted, meaning they don't grow in correctly or have enough room in the jaw to emerge fully. This can lead to various problems, such as pain, overcrowding, infection, or damage to adjacent teeth. In such cases, dental professionals recommend wisdom teeth removal.
Age range: The majority of people undergo wisdom teeth removal between the ages of 16 and 25, when the teeth's roots are still developing. Early intervention can often prevent future complications.
Surgical procedure: Wisdom teeth removal is usually performed in a dental clinic or oral surgery center. It involves extracting the wisdom teeth using local or general anesthesia. It's typically an outpatient procedure, and most individuals recover within a few days.
Recovery time: The healing time for wisdom teeth removal can vary from person to person. Typically, it takes several days to a few weeks for the initial pain and swelling to subside. Full recovery may take several months.
It's important to consult with a dental professional if you're experiencing discomfort or problems related to your wisdom teeth. They can assess your specific case and determine if wisdom teeth removal is the best course of action.