Root Canal Dental Complications
Unclean Root Canal
If you had more than one root canal in a tooth, your dentist must make sure to clean all root canals. An infection can occur if all root canals are not cleaned.
Inadequate Dental Restoration
If the dental restoration from your dentist wasn't performed adequately, bacteria can enter inside the tooth. The present bacteria can contaminate your tooth area all over again.
Breakdown of the Inner Sealing Material
The breakdown of the inner sealing material can happen over a period of time, and cause root canal dental complications. Bacteria can enter your tooth area if a breakdown of this material occurs. It is important that you continue to have regular check-ups after a root canal.
Crack in the Root
A crack in the root of your tooth can cause complications. New infections can emerge if a crack in your tooth is left untreated.
Infected Tissue
If proper precautions are taken lightly, root canal dental complications can occur. Infections can emerge in your tooth's tissue. When infected tissue occurs, re-treatment may not be sufficient. An endodontic surgery must be performed. This surgery procedure removes your tooth's infected tissue. A filling seals the root canal.