How to Recognize When a Root Canal Is Needed
Check to see if the tooth develops spontaneous pain--that is, pain that doesn't come from either chewing or from eating very hot or cold foods (which can cause a healthy tooth to throb). It may suggest decay in the pulp of the tooth, which means that a root canal is needed to clear out the rotting tissues and restore health to the mouth.
Wait for the pain to diminish after you have eaten cold food like ice cream. Teeth are sensitive to extreme temperature changes and they will normally ache after eating something very cold. However, if the aching doesn't diminish for a minute or longer once the food is swallowed, you may want to look into a root canal.
Recognize the sensation when a tooth exhibits no response to temperature change whatsoever. If hot or cold food produces no aches in a tooth, the nerves may be dead or decayed and must be removed before the bacteria causes more damage.
Examine the gums for swelling, excessive tenderness or discoloration. When a root canal is needed in a tooth, the surrounding tissue may be irritated or inflamed, making it easier to notice. A root canal performed properly will diminish such irritation and help the gums return to normal.
Ask your dentist to take x-ray pictures. This is the surest and most dependable sign that a root canal is needed. You can recognize when a tooth requires a root canal if a shadow appears near its apex on the x-ray: this isn't the only sign that the tooth is in trouble, but it remains one of the most reliable.