How to Recognize the Side Effects of Root Canals
Check for post-operative discomfort in and around the tooth. It's not uncommon to sense low levels of pain following root canals. Generally, it reflects the conditions of the tooth before the root canal, not anything done by the procedure itself.
Look for small sores developing in the gum area near the tooth. It usually signals pressure or bacteria that can no longer be sustained in the tooth: side effects of cleaning out the infected pulp. The sores should diminish after a few days.
Prepare for a feeling of looseness in the tooth. Root canals often leave such feelings behind after the medication fades. Experts say that it's nothing to worry about, though if the feeling persists, you should contact your dentist and let him know.
Recognize signs of a brittle or weakened tooth. Proper root canals can ensure that the tooth remains usable for the rest of your life, but with the pulp removed, the side effects may involve an increasing fragility. A proper crown on the tooth should correct the problem and may be a part of the overall root canal procedure regardless.
Watch for an inability to chew or a restricted ability to open your mouth. This is one of the easiest side effects to recognize: you'll spot it right away when you talk or attempt to eat something. It isn't typically a cause for concern, but rather just an extension of the normal aches that accompany root canals--one of the reasons why they suggest eating soft foods for a period after you've had a root canal.