Teeth-Cleaning Alternatives
Teeth Cleaning Using Houshold Items
One item that every household has in their pantry or medicine cabinet is a box of baking soda. Baking soda is in fact an effective cleaning agent for many types of jobs, but provides a safe, natural alternative to store-bought toothpaste when applied to the teeth with a clean finger. In fact, some experts suggest wrapping a piece of harshly woven cloth around the finger before dipping it into baking soda for a more effective cleansing.
Another household item that can be used to clean teeth of leftover remnants is a toothpick. While toothpicks cannot be used to cleanse the mouth as a whole, they are extremely effective at getting at small items lodged between the teeth, and can easily substitute the role of wax-covered dental floss.
Teeth Cleaning Using Food
For centuries the old wives tale has existed that munching on a green apple may be more effective in removing plaque from one's teeth that brushing them will. While that fact has yet to be proven, there are many edible items that can be used to promote good dental hygiene. When speaking strictly of freshening the breath, a wealth of herbs, such as mint, rosemary or sage, may be ingested to eliminate odors or foul lingering tastes.
For a sweet treat that children and adults alike will appreciate, "Dental Health Magazine" recommends chewing on a piece of sugar-free gum to loosen debris and remove surface plaque from the teeth.
Teeth Cleaning Using Natural/Homeopathic Products
For many, the disillusionment with conventional teeth brushing comes from controversy surrounding mass-market toothpaste and the long-term health effects of the fluoride that is contained in the vast majority of such products. In fact, the website Feel Best warns that fluoride in its purest form can be lethal, but because it is not meant to be swallowed its effects are not nearly that harmful. Still, many alternative brands exist that use organic or entirely natural, chemical-free ingredients in their toothpaste.