Disposable Dental Instruments
Dental Floss
Dental floss is typically made from a clear nylon material and used to clean food debris from your teeth as well as to protect against gum disease. Most people wrap the floss around their fingers for leverage and to keep it taut. The middle portion of the floss is used to clean out the area between your gums and teeth, gently massaging the floss through the space. You should use dental floss once and then dispose it.
Teeth Whitening Strips
Individuals looking for that whiter smile can use teeth whitening strips. Most of the different teeth whitening strips on the market are enamel-safe, meaning they won't remove the enamel layer on your teeth during the process. To use, you apply the strips to both the upper and lower set of teeth and leave them on for a specified period of time (depending on manufacturer instructions). After you remove them, put them in a waste basket, because they are only effective for one use.
Dental Floss Picks
Used as an alternative to dental floss, picks come with little handles and an attached piece of floss. You can floss your teeth with just one hand, making the process easier than with traditional dental floss. Use one end to floss. The other end typically features a small point, which you can use as a toothpick for larger food bits between the teeth. You can buy these disposable dental floss picks in bulk.