Things People Use to Clean Teeth
Brushing the teeth with toothpaste every day is key to the maintenance of oral health and the prevention of gum disease and tooth loss. A myriad of types of toothbrushes are available on the market, including standard manual toothbrushes that come in hard and soft bristle varieties. Many manual toothbrush brands offer angled heads and grip apparatuses to make brushing hard-to-reach areas more accessible. Bacteria can build up on manual toothbrushes, and brushes should be replaced every month to avoid the spreading of germs.
You can also purchase sonic and electric toothbrushes. Sonic toothbrushes are rechargeable with built-in sanitizers and can brush teeth at speeds of 45,000 strokes per minute. Electric toothbrushes are rechargeable like sonic brushes but usually come with fewer features. Electric toothbrush varieties include those with both side-to-side and circular movements. Both sonic and electric toothbrushes are more effective in removing plaque than manual brushes.
Dental Floss
Regular flossing between the teeth is essential for teeth and gum health. Flossing removes bacteria and starchy/sugary foods from the teeth and helps keep plaque and subsequent gum disease at bay. Plaque is the sticky substance that forms on and in between teeth. Gum disease is the main cause of tooth decay and loss in adults. If plaque is not removed from teeth on a daily basis it can cause the gums to recede. On the market today you can find numerous types of dental floss, including dental tape and waxed, unwaxed and flavored floss. To floss correctly, use a piece of floss about 18 inches long and gently insert the floss between teeth. Maintain a gentle back-and-forth motion to remove food substances and bacteria. Remember to floss both the upper and lower sets of your teeth.
Natural Cleaning Methods
You can find many natural types of products around your house to utilize for teeth cleaning. Baking soda cleans and helps whiten teeth; however, because of its abrasive nature, you should not use it on a daily basis. Use hydrogen peroxide as an antibacterial mouth rinse that can also whiten teeth. Soaking your toothbrush in hydrogen peroxide before dabbing it with baking soda is an effective teeth cleaning method. Cranberry juice without any added sugar can help with gum disease. The juice prevents bacteria from sticking to teeth, and at least four ounces should be consumed daily. Three drops of tea tree essential oil mixed with water forms an antibacterial rinse; tea tree oil toothpaste is also available. The herb myrrh is another effective cleaning and whitening item.