How do I Preserve Toothbrushes?
Soak your toothbrush in an antiseptic mouthwash for about 5 minutes. This will help kill the germs on your toothbrush and promote a longer life. To soak your toothbrush, simply fill a small cup with mouthwash-just enough to cover the bristles of the brush. Rinse it thoroughly before storing.
Sterilize your toothbrush in the dishwasher using dish washing liquid that contains bleach. Make sure you don't set the dishwasher on an extra high setting to protect the handle, which could melt if exposed to very hot temperatures.
Microwave your toothbrush for on high for 10 seconds. This will help kill the germs that may still linger on your toothbrush and help preserve it so you can use it for a longer period of time.
Purchase disinfecting drop tablets, such as retainer and denture cleaning tablets. These are to be used immediately before you brush your teeth in order to sterilize the toothbrush. Place the tablet in a glass of warm water and add the head of your toothbrush until you see a cleansing foam form. The disinfecting drop tablets can be purchased at any retail store.
More costly than other methods, some individuals choose to purchase a UV (ultraviolet) toothbrush, which is designed to use UV light to kill bacteria and germs and heat to dry the toothbrush. This type of brush is an electronic toothbrush with the sanitizer built into the stand. To use, you simply put the toothbrush head into the designated hole and push start. This process takes about 6 minutes. UV toothbrushes can be purchased at any major retail store.